Recovery Starts With a Choice.
Find Substance abuse and Mental Health Addiction Treatment Centers serving New Jersey with National Behavioral Health Programs.

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Call (201) 492-6604 Now!

100% Confidential | 24/7 Helpline |

How Our Helpline Works
For those seeking addiction treatment for themselves or a loved one, helpline is a private and convenient solution to help find the right program to fit you needs.

Calls to any general helpline for your visit will be answered by Absolute Awakenings Treatment Center.

Absolute Awakenings Treatment Center advisors are standing by 24/7 to discuss your treatment options. Representatives work with national treatment centers and will discuss which is the best option for you or a loved one.

Our helpline is offered at no cost to you and with no obligation to enter into treatment. Neither nor Absolute Awakenings Treatment Center receives any commission or other fee that is dependent upon which treatment provider a visitor may ultimately choose.

For more information on commitment to ethical marketing and treatment practices, or to learn more about how to select a treatment provider, visit our Contact page.

If you wish to explore additional treatment options or connect with a specific rehab center, you can visit our directory or SAMHSA’s treatment services locator.

Supported Organizations



Drug Treatment Centers New Jersey is devoted to excellence in helping those struggling with substance abuse or mental health issues. Our focus on offering the best behavioral health options with local & national treatment options is what makes us different. Finding Drug Rehabs, Alcohol Treatment Centers and medical Alcohol & Drug Detox Centers Jersey City is just a phone calls away.

Speak to a Rehab Advisor – Available 24/7, 365 days. All calls are 100% confidential for your protection.

FREE Insurance Verification – Your health insurance may cover up to 100% of your treatment.

Treatment Search – We help you find the right treatment programs for you or a loved one.

drug treatment centers new jersey
Speak To A Treatment Advisor
Call (201) 492-6604 Now!

100% Confidential  |  24/7 Helpline  |  

How Our Helpline Works
For those seeking addiction treatment for themselves or a loved one, helpline is a private and convenient solution to help find the right program to fit you needs.

Calls to any general helpline for your visit will be answered by Absolute Awakenings Treatment Center.

Absolute Awakenings Treatment Center advisors are standing by 24/7 to discuss your treatment options. Representatives work with national treatment centers and will discuss which is the best option for you or a loved one.

Our helpline is offered at no cost to you and with no obligation to enter into treatment. Neither nor Absolute Awakenings Treatment Center receives any commission or other fee that is dependent upon which treatment provider a visitor may ultimately choose.

For more information on commitment to ethical marketing and treatment practices, or to learn more about how to select a treatment provider, visit our Contact page.

If you wish to explore additional treatment options or connect with a specific rehab center, you can visit our directory or SAMHSA’s treatment services locator.

drug treatment centers new jerseyRehab Reviews★★★★★ Rating: 5.0  yelp logo icon - Drug Treatment Centers New Jersey yelp

The Road to Recovery Starts Here.

We are proud of our privilege to serve the community by filling this important need, and strongly feel that we can be a great place to begin your path to lasting recovery. We urge you to reach out to us today at (201) 492-6604!

Drug Treatment Centers New Jersey is here to help.

Drug Detox Centers Jersey City, NJ (201) 492-6604 Drug Rehabs & Alcohol Treatment Services for Jersey City, New Jersey.

drug treatment centers new jerseyFind Drug Rehab  & Alcohol Treatment Centers servicing New Jersey with local and National Addiction Treatment and mental health program Options

Drug Treatment Centers New Jersey, Drug Detox Centers Jersey City knows a good recovery environment is one that closely reflects the needs of the individuals seeking to benefit from it. In the case of drug and alcohol addiction, treatment can often be physically disorienting, emotionally isolating, and generally uncomfortable. Drug Detox Centers Jersey City knows that a good recovery environment should be comforting, tranquil, supportive, and safe in order to best serve the needs of those undergoing treatment.

In order to sustain motivation for treatment and maximize the chances of achieving full recovery, Drug Rehab Centers New JerseyDrug Detox Centers Jersey City considers those needs carefully when attempting to provide the best of accommodations, amenities, and treatment methods.

Jersey City, NJ Treatment Programs:

  • Medical Detox Services
    • Detox Treatment (Inpatient)
    • Outpatient Detoxification Program
  • Inpatient Residential Treatment
  • Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHP)
    • Inpatient Drug Rehab
    • Inpatient Alcohol Treatment
  • Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP)
  • Outpatient Care (OP) & AfterCare Services

Should I Choose a Drug Rehab Near Me or Leave for Rehab?

When Search for a Drug or Alcohol Treatment Center near me. you have to take a few things to consider. Mainly how are you or your loved one going to focus on recovery knowing that just outside the treatment center or medical Detox facilities doors hope is just a call away. With an 80% relapse rate its always a good idea to travel for treatment if you’ve been in and out of rehab centers with the same results. Let Drug Treatment Centers New Jersey, Drug Detox Centers Jersey City help you get the help you really need to live a life without the need to use drug and alcohol. Regardless, if you are seeking treatment locally or whiling to travel our caring and supportive addiction treatment counselors can help you find the right treatment rehab and mental health programs tailored to help you get your life back.

Life and Rehab Treatment in Jersey City, NJ (201) 492-6604

Besides being home to Drug Treatment Centers New Jersey, Drug Detox Centers Jersey City, Jersey City is part of New York City’s metro area. It’s also home to the Colgate Clock, a 50-foot wide behemoth that is the biggest timekeeper on the planet. Some of Jersey City’s other major attractions include the interactive learning facility known as the Liberty Science Center, the world’s largest IMAX theater, the Jersey City Museum, the Mana Contemporary, and the Museum of Russian Art. If you’re in town during the summer, you won’t want to miss one of the monthly Shakespeare productions put on for free in various city parks by the Hudson Shakespeare Company.

Jersey City also has world-class commercial districts, with Journal Square and Newport Mall being among its most popular shopping destinations. Jersey City’s most interesting feature isn’t in the form of a tourist attraction, though. Without a doubt, that honor belongs to its population, which comprises one of the most ethnically diverse in the world. Drug Rehab Centers New Jersey like Jersey City’s hearty ethnic, demographic, and cultural diversity contribute to making it a hub for celebrations of progressiveness, tolerance, and multiculturalism.

Is Jersey City A Good Environment for Recovery?

At Drug Treatment Centers New Jersey, Drug Detox Centers Jersey City, we feel that the answer is a definite “yes.” That’s why we’ve chosen to locate our practice here. An appropriate environment is one of the many factors that are important in supporting lasting recovery.

Jersey City‘s cultural diversity is a direct contributor to the effectiveness it has as a recovery environment. There are limitless opportunities for pursuing new interests, building new relationships, and generally keeping busy. These things are important to individuals recovering from addiction, who often encounter the need to rebuild their lifestyles from the ground up as they seek to re-establish the health, confidence, and exuberance that addiction took away from them.

At Drug Rehab Centers New Jersey, Drug Detox Centers Jersey City, we align people with treatment programs with counseling intended to help individuals as they attempt to re-integrate themselves with the routines and expectations of daily living in the community.

We are proud of our privilege to serve the community by filling this important need, and strongly feel that Jersey City can be a great place to begin a life of recovery. If you are interested in learning more about Drug Treatment Centers New Jersey, Drug Detox Centers Jersey City, we urge you to reach out to us today at (201) 492-6604!


Speak To A Rehab Advisor
Call (201) 492-6604 Now!

100% Confidential | 24/7 Helpline |

How Our Helpline Works
For those seeking addiction treatment for themselves or a loved one, helpline is a private and convenient solution to help find the right program to fit you needs.

Calls to any general helpline for your visit will be answered by Absolute Awakenings Treatment Center.

Absolute Awakenings Treatment Center advisors are standing by 24/7 to discuss your treatment options. Representatives work with national treatment centers and will discuss which is the best option for you or a loved one.

Our helpline is offered at no cost to you and with no obligation to enter into treatment. Neither nor Absolute Awakenings Treatment Center receives any commission or other fee that is dependent upon which treatment provider a visitor may ultimately choose.

For more information on commitment to ethical marketing and treatment practices, or to learn more about how to select a treatment provider, visit our Contact page.

If you wish to explore additional treatment options or connect with a specific rehab center, you can visit our directory or SAMHSA’s treatment services locator.

FREE Insurance Verificationdrug treatment centers new jersey

Our highly-trained and compassionate Addiction Treatment Advisors will counsel you over the phone to help determine the payment option that best meets your needs.

Speak To A Treatment Advisor
Call (201) 450-9668 Now!

100% Confidential | 24/7 Helpline